ACH may appeal

Jay Collins
Image by: Joshua Chan
Jay Collins

Jay Collins wouldn’t speak to anybody.

He stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living room of his house where he and more than 40 friends had spent the last eight hours drinking and waiting for news.

That news had just come in the form of a 6:34 a.m. phone call from AMS Chief Electoral Officer Connor Langford.

ACH campaign manager Alvin Tedjo passed the phone to presidential candidate Holly Archer.



“Oh yeah? The first round?”

She paused.

“Oh yeah? The second round? What about the recount?”

Another pause. Archer asked about the percentage of votes for each team, and paused again.

“OK, thanks Connor. Bye.”

When she hung up the room was completely silent and the music was turned off for the first time all


“RWS beat us by one vote,” she told her teammates and supporters.

Immediately after hearing the results, Tedjo said the team had the option of asking for another recount. They would have to make the request within 48 hours of the results with 50 student signatures approving the request.

He said he would seek advice from AMS permanent staff when the office opened Thursday morning.

“Whoever’s on campaign executive, go home, get some sleep and we’ll meet later today at 11 a.m.” he said.

“I think had it been any type of substantial loss it wouldn’t have been a problem, but one vote in over 5,000 … ”

Archer said she couldn’t comment before speaking with the rest of her campaign team.

“It was nothing if not exciting,” she said. “I’m going to bed.”

She said she didn’t regret anything about her campaign.

“Regardless of what happens it really was a great campaign.”

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