‘I have a lot of great experiences and ideas’

EngSoc candidate concentrates on communication and efficiency

Engineering Society presidential candidate Chris Reinfelds says he wants to use his experience on EngSoc to give back to the society. Reinfelds, a third-year chemical engineering student, has been a member of the Engineering Society Board of Directors for the past two years.

“Running for EngSoc president is something that I’d thought of for a while,” he said. “I have a lot of great experiences and ideas that I’d like to share with the society and I feel the president is one way that I can share those ideas and steer the society towards those.

“One thing is developing communication between the society and its members. Certainly one thing I’ve found just by doing class talks over the last week is that a lot of people aren’t aware of what initiatives and programs are available from the society, and that’s something that I would really like to change.”

Reinfelds said if elected, he wants to focus on improving efficiency within services.

“Right now, there’s six services, and they’re all great services, and they all have what I would consider a common task, whether it be the way they do their financials or an HR policy, and they have six different ways to do that, and it doesn’t need to be like that. … That is definitely something we need to address as we move into the future.”

Reinfelds said he wants to provide more support for EngSoc-affiliated clubs and teams.

“A lot of clubs and teams do their own marketing and it’s just because the marketing office isn’t meeting their needs, or they don’t know it exists, so we need to focus on marketing and branding the Engineering Society. We need to continue to support clubs and teams and offer the resources that the Engineering Society has at its disposal.”

Reinfelds added that he wants to take advantage of EngSoc’s crashed website to improve communication.

“I was in a first year class today and I would say easily 50 per cent, if not more, did not know there was an election.”

He also said he hopes to create an archive of the Engineering Society’s documents.

“I would really like to see a documents library. So often, the executive director teams write these great reports and analysis and recommendation letters; they get presented to Council and they’re never seen from again,” he said. “All that information gets lost.”

Reinfelds said he’s impressed with this year’s council and wants to continue the work they’ve begun.

“Jordan and the rest of the team have been a phenomenal team. They’ve taken the society in a great direction. Certainly the way our services have evolved this year is the right direction.

“I’m hoping to carry that momentum and those successes forward.”

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