Kingston’s sweethearts


  • Arts
The Agpak bunch.
Image supplied by: supplied photo by Jason Chalmers
The Agpak bunch.

What’s your band name and why did you choose it?

Agpak Mum. The naming of the band was not really up to us. One day it just magically appeared and we knew it was perfect.


Daniel Chalmers – Guitar/Synth/Percussion

Winston Vinh – Bass

Dylan Carquez – Drums/Percussion

Jeremy Masurkevitch –


When did you start making music together?

Winston and Dylan having been playing together for five years now. Throughout high school, Dylan, Winston and Daniel had bands that were constantly crossing paths. A few years later Dylan and Daniel joined forces to form a group called Professor Banana Juice. While attending college, Daniel one day heard the smooth rhymes of a lone MC known as Planet Danger. He approached the lyrical wordsmith about jamming with Professor Banana Juice. The chemistry was undeniable and a few months later Winston was re-recruited and Agpak Mum was officially formed.

Where do you live and work and why?

Daniel: Kingston. The Sleepless Goat Cafe. So I can play music and help out within the community. 

Dylan: Kingston. The Sleepless Goat Cafe. Gives me the freedom to play music and keeps my creativity striving. It’s also a terrific venue for networking and for being invested in the art community. 

Jeremy: Kingston. K-Rock Centre. Free concerts.

Winston: Kingston. Kingston SoundWorks. To be as involved in the Kingston music scene

as possible.

In one or two sentences, describe the style of music you play.

This is a very free, honest, and loving band. We allow ourselves the freedom to play any kind of music we would like, which ranges from pop to progressive hard rock and hip-hop.

What’s the nicest thing someone has said to you before, during, or after a show?

We are fortunate enough to constantly be retaining support from people in the music community. Every time someone takes the time to talk to us about our music is the most wonderful compliment you could give us. 

What’s the worst thing someone has said to you before, during or after a show?

Once we had a review written about a show we played in Toronto. It wasn’t the greatest review, which is fair, but our music was not even mentioned once. All he had to say was that he didn’t like our face paint.

When someone says “Kingston” you think…

Home and a very welcoming, inspiring, creative space.

What can the audience expect from your set on Sept. 18?

More or less the same thing they should expect every time we play: As much fun, colour and dancing as humanly possible.

Agpak Mum play tonight with Two Hours Traffic and Spiral Beach at The Mansion. Tickets are available at Brian’s Record Option, The Jungle and Sunrise Records in the Cataraqui Town Centre. They can also be purchased via email at

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