By Trilby Goouch
Blogs Editor
If this is your final year at Queen’s, nostalgia is likely setting in. Whether it be spending time with your housemates, indulging in campus food specialties or making the most of your weekends, it’s time to savour these last few weeks as a Queen’s student. Cha Gael!
1. Hang out by the Pier
2. Get a lazy riser from Lazy Scholar
3. Watch a game at the ARC
4. Reunite with your first-year floor and pay your old res a visit
5. Go to Leonard’s Sunday brunch
6. Buy ONE more article of TriColour gear
7. Take a photo of your beloved Kingston house
8. Tumble on over to Ale for Tumbleweed Tuesday
9. Order the top secret bagel from CoGro
10. Bring your IPhone/digital camera/disposable to the bar and document your nights
11. Take advantage of the fact that you can wear sweatpants all day everyday
12. Visit QP for their much-loved pitcher of sangria
13. Grace Bubba’s or Smokes with your presence
14. Get on the ferry to Wolfe Island and explore the area
15. Take advantage of the ARC facilities and free classes
16. Go see Queen’s Players
17. Visit Studio 330, one of the few donation-based yoga studios in Canada
18. Attend all remaining Alfie’s events
19. Study hard for your exams; it’s the final push, you may as well give it all you got
20. Make the most out of living with a group of friends and maximize house activities; you might get on each other’s nerves at times, but it’s a novel experience
Graduation, Queen's University, Student life
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