Allegations against AMS permanent staff member determined to be “unfounded”

AMS Board of Directors’ Ad Hoc Committee wraps external investigation

Image supplied by: Journal File Photo
The investigation finished on Sept. 8.

AMS Board of Director’s Ad Hoc Committee announced on Sept. 11 that allegations made against a permanent staff member at the AMS were determined to be unfounded.

The AMS Board of Directors shared that it had formed an Ad Hoc Committee of the Board on Sept. 2, which had hired an external party to investigate allegations made against a current member of the AMS’s permanent staff. 

The Ad Hoc Committee used the AMS Advantage Fund to hire John Curtis as the external investigator.

The Ad Hoc Committee confirmed the allegation under investigation was made against the AMS Operations Officer in two separate posts shared through Instagram account ‘AMSxposed.’

The posts had alleged that the Operations Officer had previously engaged in sexual relations with an AMS employee who was their direct report.

Curtis completed his investigation on Sept. 8, determining there hadn’t been any workplace harassment, sexual harassment, or any breaches of the AMS Harassment, Discrimination and Violence in the Workplace Policy and Program. 

Due to confidentiality and privacy obligations, the AMS told The Journal it was unable to provide any further information.

The Ad Hoc Committee also reminded the community to ensure submissions to the account are an “accurate reflection of events” because they can result in consequences for the individuals identified. 

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AMS, AMS Board of Directors

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