Artist in Profile with The Ascot Royals

1. Who are you?

We are the Ascot Royals based out of the Hamilton/Brantford area.

2. What do you do?

The Ascot Royals are an up and coming band that aspires to make people get up and dance.

3. Where can someone find you?

You can find us at

4. Where do you live and work and why?

We are spread across Brantford, Hamilton, all the way to Barrie. All working varying jobs to support our passion of making music.

5. When did you start making music together?

The core of the band formed in the Fall of 2008, and has held its current roster since the early Spring of 2009.

6. How would you describe your music?

The Ascot Royals are a dynamic fusion of Brit Indie Rock and Motown with explosive guitar leads, powerful and playful vocals, and a tight rhythm section to hold it all together.

7. What inspires you?

The pure love of playing music in front of people.

8. What’s the nicest things someone has said you to after a show?

Just that they truly enjoy our music is very rewarding for us to hear.

9. What’s the worst thing someone has said to you after a show?

“If you got some tubes bra, it’d push harder” -Anonymous individual

10. What are your current obsessions?

Our one obsession is to achieve a point in our musical careers to make a living from it. There would be no better job on the planet than entertaining and playing music to people.

11. When someone says “Kingston” you think…

Our bass player grew up in the area so Kingston has like all our hometown gigs has an excitement and anxiety about putting on a good show.

12. What are you currently working on?

We are currently working on some new material as well as finalizing plans for an Eastern Canadian tour in April.

The Ascot Royals play tonight at Clark Hall Pub!

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