On Wednesday, the ARC hosted a bake sale raising funds for Epilepsy South Eastern Ontario—a non-profit dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with epilepsy through resources including education and group support.
The sale coincides with Epilepsy Awareness Month, when the colour purple is used in show of support. In addition to the bake sale, on Mar. 26, for Purple Day or International Epilepsy Day, City Hall will be lit with the colour.
Maria Haig, administrate and payroll assistant for the AMS, facilitated the bake sale to raise donation funds for the organization and to promote awareness about epilepsy, specifically Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP).
SUDEP is a complication of epilepsy where death occurs suddenly without trauma or toxicological or anatomical catalysts, most commonly in young and middle-aged adults.
Haig’s son passed away at age 29 from SUDEP after being diagnosed with epilepsy at age 19. She told The Journal she organized the bake sale to raise awareness about the complication because her son’s doctors never informed him that epilepsy could result in death.
Haig’s been with Epilepsy South Eastern for approximately one year. She fundraises to support their events and monthly group support sessions.
She said that learning more about the condition and becoming more involved has been very fulfilling.
“It’s bittersweet, how I’m feeling—but I’m happy that some of the students are coming over and asking me questions,” Haig said.
She said the response to the bake sale was very encouraging.
“It’s a hard thing to talk about,” she said. “But I want to help somebody.”
The bake sale raised $334.
“No matter whether you have epilepsy or not, it’s so important to be an advocate for yourself and to take good care of yourself.”
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