Vice-president of university affairs candidates
What are the current mental health related groups on campus?
Mira Dineen: Mental health awareness committee (MHAC), Mental health action group (MHAG) Principal’s mental health review commission, HCDS, Peer Support Centre (correct)
Sean Renaud: Peer Support Centre, MHAC, Principal’s mental health commission, Invisibilities, Head’s Up Magazine, QSided (Queen’s visible and invisible disabilities education) (correct)
T.K. Pritchard: Mental health awareness committee, Head’s Up, Peer Support Centre, HCDS, Mental health working group, Mental health advisory group, Project Chickpea, Principal’s commission on mental health, Queen’s schizophrenia society, Invisabilities (correct)
Who’s the current president of the Commerce Society?
Mira Dineen: Kelsey Paterson (correct)
Sean Renaud: Don’t know, but I’m sure they are boss!
T.K. Pritchard: Kelsey Paterson (correct)
When was the AMS’s non-academic discipline system introduced?
Mira Dineen: Early 1900s, over 100 years old!
Sean Renaud: I’m guessing 1976?
T.K. Pritchard: 1898 (correct)
How many faculty societies are part of the AMS?
Mira Dineen: ASUS, EngSoc, ComSoc, MBA, Meds, PHEKSA, CESA, COMPSA = 8 (correct)
Sean Renaud: 5
T.K. Pritchard: ASUS, CommSoc, EngSoc, MBA, (ASUS includes COMPSA, PHEKSA, Con-Ed, Episcapalian) (correct)
How many students are currently enrolled in Fine Arts?
Mira Dineen: 25-30 per year, just over 100 total
Sean Renaud: Approximately 60….30?
T.K. Pritchard: 120
Vice-president of operations candidates
How many photocopiers and printers are there at the P and CC?
Tristan Lee: 9
Bryor Snefjella: 6 plus their new wide format printer! (correct)
Duncan Peterson: 9
What is the Journal’s print circulation every issue?
Tristan Lee: 6,000 (correct)
Bryor Snefjella: It was said during my debate…
Duncan Peterson: 6,000 (correct)
What are the names of the two businesses going into the empty spaces in the Queen’s Centre?
Tristan Lee: Grocery Checkout and Aqua Drugs
Bryor Snefjella: Grocery Checkout
Duncan Peterson: A grocery store and a pharmacy
What did the Queen’s Pub used to be called and when did it change its name?
Tristan Lee: The Quiet Pub, changed name in 2000
Bryor Snefjella: Not sure about QP, but Alfie’s used to be “The Underground”
Duncan Peterson: The Quiet Pub, changed its name in 1995
How many non-voting members sit on AMS Assembly?
Tristan: 7
Bryor: 10?
Duncan: 14
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