CESA Executive acclaimed by 91%

‘We’re going to … get people involved’

At the Queen’s Pub last night, Anna Burnett, Sinead Fitzsimons, and Patrick Tye celebrated their acclamation as the executive of the 2007-08 Concurrent Education Student Association.

The team, all ConEd ’08, said they were pleased with the results. “We’re very happy,” said Burnett, president-elect.

With a confidence vote of 91 per cent, the team surpassed its goal of receiving 85 votes in favour, said Tye VP (external)-elect. Ali Rollwagen, CESA chief returning officer, said the team received 206 votes in favour and 18 votes against. Rollwagen said the voter turnout was approximately 50 per cent.

This was the first year Con-Ed students voted the executive members as a team. In years past, voters could pick and choose their presidential andvice-presidential candidates.

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