The Journal provides this free, unedited space for parties on the ballot. The following fee descriptions were left out of the Friday, Jan. 24, print edition of the paper due to a communications error. They have been published in full here.
—Meredith Wilson-Smith and Iain Sherriff-Scott
Golden Words
Gee golly! Look at us, getting published in the Journal! Welp, better get to the good stuff: Golden Words is your friendly, neighbourhood satire newspaper. We do butt jokes and social commentary on current issues – a triple threat! (?) Published weekly by the Engineering Society, our paper is the culmination of efforts by creative students from all faculties and disciplines of Queen’s University to create the rootin’, tootin’, rasputin’ paper that we are. With support from viewers like you (get at us PBS) we not only print a newspaper, but are able to run comedy events, develop multi-media content, and light a couple fivers on fire ‘cause why not. We’ve been running since 1967, so let’s hope for another 53 years of shenanigans.
Queen’s Bridge Building Team
The Queen’s Bridge Building Team (QBBT) is a multi-disciplinary engineering design team at Queen’s University consisting of sub-teams that contain eight to ten members. Each sub-team designs and constructs innovative bridges solely from popsicle sticks, white glue, and dental floss. Team members come up with inventive ways to take their ideas from paper to creating a bridge spanning a one-metre distance. Team members compete annually in the Troitsky Bridge Building Competition, held by Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. The Troitsky Bridge Building Competition represents an opportunity to expose the spirit, creativity and knowledge of Queen’s engineers to future professionals and industry partners. In addition, Team members will be able to connect with students from other Universities, as well as getting an opportunity to experience the Montreal culture.
Queens Correctional Service Volunteers
Queen’s Correctional Services Volunteers (QCSV) is a student-run organization that supports the rehabilitation and safe reintegration of federal offenders in the Kingston community. Our volunteers work directly with offenders in several institutions of varying security levels (minimum, medium, and maximum) and assist in carrying out various types of programming, including art classes and life-skill building workshops. The objective of the club is to make a positive impact on the local community through promoting the idea of rehabilitative justice and ensuring that offenders are equipped with the necessary tools to make a safe transition into the community. Our volunteers have and continue to help create meaningful changes in the lives of many individuals, and the impact of their work is frequently recognized by the Correctional Service of Canada.
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