All candidates declined requests for an interview, but did send brief summaries of their platforms to The Journal via email.
Carson Cook, Sci ’19, is the sole candidate running for President of the Engineering Society (EngSoc) for next year.
He worked this year as the Director of IT for the society and during his time expanded the range of services provided to Engineering students on campus.
Cook’s platform focuses on making the society as accessible and open to Engineering students as possible. He also wants to continue to foster the atmosphere and community quality that he feels separates Engineering from the other faculties at Queen’s.
Vice-President (Operations)
Two candidates are running for Vice President (Operations) for the 2018-19 Engineering Society, making it the only contested position in the race.
Behshid Behrouzi, Sci ’20, crafted a platform focused on five key points: financial sustainability, financial accountability, improved training of service managers, growing the Integrated Learning Centre Constables (iCons) service and improving the society’s relationship with the IT Security and Software Development teams.
Behrouzi has been involved with EngSoc since her first year at Queen’s and currently works as the EngSoc Director of Communications.
The second candidate Liam Tharpe, Sci ’19, is running on similar platform points. He also saw the need to expand the IT service so that more students have accessibility to the software and services the society provides.
Like Behrouzi, he also wants to improve the iCons service which staffs the Integrated Learning Centre (ILC). ICons work in the ILC outside regular hours to assist students in accessing labs and to provide general safety.
Tharpe hasn’t been involved with EngSoc to the same extent as his opponent. However, he’s worked in the engineering field through summer employment and is currently pursuing a Certificate in Business at the Smith School of Business.
Vice-President (Student Affairs)
Emily Wiersma, Sci ’19, is the only candidate in this year’s race for Vice President (Student Affairs).
She brings experience from being a first-year project coordinator, a FREC and her involvement in the society’s STEM community outreach program Science Quest.
In addition, Wiersma is the current Director of Human Resources for EngSoc. This has given her an intimate look at the needs of the Engineering students on campus, she says.
Her platform states her focus will be on improving the lives of Engineering students by always representing their needs around campus, whether it’s in the AMS or other external governing bodies.
Elections, Engineering, EngSoc
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