On the same day the University confirmed a positive COVID-19 case in a Queen’s student, Principal Patrick Deane warned against disregarding public health directives.
“The Student Code of Conduct applies to both on- and off-campus behaviors that risk or have potential to risk the safety of our community members in the university’s living, learning, or working environments,” Deane wrote in a statement.
Dr. Kieran Moore, medical officer of health and CEO of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington Public Health urged Queen’s to enforce its Code of Conduct at a City Council meeting on Sept. 15.
Deane explained that all students, whether living on or off campus, are expected to uphold public health directives and safety measures, and to demonstrate cooperative behavior with community enforcement agencies and other members of the Kingston community.
“Concerns about spreading the virus are real and each member of our community must take responsibility for reducing the threat of infection,” Deane wrote.
Students who choose not to adhere to provincial and other applicable regulations and are identified as a community safety risk will be referred for review under the University’s Student Code of Conduct.
They will be subject to sanctions under the Code, including expulsion from the University.
“Gatherings of this sort have occurred in the university district and they must stop,” Deane wrote. “The university will take action to hold accountable those who flagrantly disregard these risks.”
city council, Covid-19, Patrick Deane, student code of conduct
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