The PEC has been identified as the location of a new Student Wellness Centre.
The centre would provide increased space for Health, Counselling and Disability Services (HCDS) and other related student wellness services.
Planning for renovation of the former Physical Education Centre (PEC) has begun, according to an announcement by the University on June 26.
The announcement comes a month after the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Mental Health (PACMH) released its annual report to Senate on May 26.
The report gives the 2016-17 academic year as the target date for implementation, but no target date is mentioned in the University’s release.
The University was unable to comment on the project by deadline.
Neither the Senate report nor the announcement mention the progress made so far in planning or the projected cost of the project.
The new wellness centre would address the deficiencies and limitations of the current HCDS space. The project has been in the works since the final report of the Principal’s Commission on Mental Health in Nov. 2012 recommended that it be built.
At the May Senate meeting, there were 19 confirmed members in attendance out of the 61 members of Senate.
The turnout was lower than the previous meeting in April, which saw 31 members in attendance.
HCDS, Mental health, PEC, Student Health and Wellness Centre
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