Letters to the Editor

Ethical support & Supporting CFRC

Re: “Ethical purchases not guaranteed”

Dear Editors,

Thank you for publishing such an insightful article about on-campus ethical purchasing. It reminds students so clearly of the inspiring power that students can exercise to effect necessary change, but it also highlights the need for further determined action.

As students, we sometimes forget that life exists outside of our classes and our friend circles, but reactivating our awareness of the grave social and environmental injustices that remain can mean the difference in halting them. For example, the second-largest open-pit mine in North America, the proposed Mega Quarry limestone project, is just 5 hours away from us and is threatening to destroy thousands of farming jobs and 2,400 acres of the best agricultural land in Canada (which provides Torontonians with 90 per cent of their potato demand).

Every day, the extraction of this limestone will require 25 per cent of the volume of freshwater that all other Ontarians use in the same period. Can we hope that, as your article suggests, enough public opposition can be raised to halt or mitigate such destructive projects?


Nisha Midha,

ArtSci ’13

Queen’s Backing Action on Climate Change

Re:“Radio station manager terminated”

Dear Editors,

It has reached me in Ottawa that the AMS has made some major decisions re CFRC. I am an alumnus of Queen’s and CFRC and have spent a long career in the broadcast industry.

Further, I have become a significant supporter of the station via an independent endowment. I do not wish to see this jeopardized.

From my only source there seems to have been a number of counter-productive decisions taken that unfairly constrain the station and its plans and these seemingly handled in a cavalier and perhaps disrespectful manner.

Yours truly,

Bob Black,

ArtSci ’59

Grant Hall Society Member


Letters, Letters to the editor

All final editorial decisions are made by the Editor(s)-in-Chief and/or the Managing Editor. Authors should not be contacted, targeted, or harassed under any circumstances. If you have any grievances with this article, please direct your comments to journal_editors@ams.queensu.ca.

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