A proposal to allow the sale of alcohol at all home football games during the 2004 season has reached its final stage — a 30-day approval period by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO). Campus activities commissioner Dave Homuth sent the request to the AGCO on July 15 after Queen’s Administration granted him permission to apply for a special occasion permit.
“If the AGCO is denying [the liquor licence], we’ll know very quickly,” Homuth said.
Alfie’s was originally going to be responsible for the application and the licence’s subsequent profits or losses, but the Campus Activities Commission took over that role.
The take-over of responsibilities means the commission would pay for the liquor licence, the student constables’ services and the Queen’s Pub employees staffing the event.
Homuth said applying for a special occasion permit through campus activities is more legitimate than applying for the permit through Alfie’s because campus activities operates within AMS government affairs, while Alfie’s operates within AMS corporate affairs.
He said campus activities is also controlling the event so varsity athletics can benefit from licensing profits rather than Alfie’s. Profits would come from promotions, road trips and donations.
“It’s really [varsity athletics’] event so they do deserve [the profits],” Homuth said.
Campus Activities is hoping football games will qualify as a fundraising event under the AGCO guidelines.
According to the AGCO website, “[Fundraising applicants] must be a registered charity or non-profit corporation, or association organized to promote charitable, educational, religious or community objects.”
If the proposal passes, Homuth said adequate insurance for the event would not be a problem since the QP employees staffing the event belong to The AMS Pub Services (TAPS).
“As long as TAPS is working [at the event], we’re covered by Queen’s insurance,” Homuth said.
TAPS is an amalgamation of Alfie’s, QP and catering services that falls under one insurance policy.
The proposed licenced area will be located on the hill at the north end of the football field, and the bar would be behind the scoreboard. While fire and safety regulations are still to be determined, Homuth said the area would seat approximately 1,650 people.
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