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Changes to hiring of AMS Board

Several changes are in the works for the hiring process for AMS Board of Directors candidates.

The nominating period will be moved from after Reading Week to just after AMS executive elections, said Jack Gregory, board chair. The nominating committee will change to include the chairman, the outgoing AMS president, a faculty society president and the AMS general manager. Gregory said the nominating committee will therefore consist of individuals who have experience on the board and understand what is required of the job.

Candidates will also have to write a financial aptitude test. Furthermore, the nominating committee will be able to recommend any number of candidates to the assembly, which makes the final hiring decision. In past years, the committee could only suggest three or four individuals.

“We want to get the best qualified people sitting on board,” he said. “It makes the difference how engaged or effective the board is.”

—Lisa Jemison

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