Queen’s Athletics and Recreation changes intramural programming

Recent updates add training for team captains and alter scoring rules

Image by: Herbert Wang
Athletics and Recreation (A&R) has updated their intramurals procedures.

When the new intramural season started this semester, registered students received an influx of emails from the Athletics and Recreation (A&R) intramural team detailing changes A&R hopes will improve the Queen’s intramural experience.

There are two major changes: new mandatory captains training and new scoring rules in the fun division.

This semester, the captain of each intramural team was required to complete online training modules on onQ prior to Jan. 21. Any captain who failed to meet the deadline would be charged 20 dollars and their team would be subject to automatic defaults until the training is complete.

The captains training covers the vision statement of Queen’s intramurals, who players can contact if they have concerns, the fines associated with defaulting and player misconduct, and how to properly report safe sport violations.

Specifically, the training focuses on what counts as safe sport violations—the maltreatment of players—and the disciplinary action—reports detailing the violation are sent to the Non-Academic Misconduct Intake Office—associated with these violations.

In an interview with The Journal, Vicrum Kailey, who is responsible for the intramurals program here at Queen’s, said this training was implemented to ensure everything runs smoothly by having captains know the procedures necessary to keep their teammates safe.

Meanwhile, the new method for scoring games played in the fun league marks the second biggest intramural change this season.

To maintain the true “fun” of playing sports in this league, the scoring after each game is now based on two principals: game performance and sportsmanship.

Teams are eligible to receive 10 points at the end of each game. The points they earn are then tallied on imleagues.com and count towards their teams total at the end of the season, ultimately determining the winner of the division.

The team that scored the most points during the game receives five points out of the possible 10 for their performance. Then, after the game, captains are to rank their opposition out of five on their sportsmanship. Captains or referees then upload these ranks to imleagues.com.

This new addition to the scoring system means teams who didn’t win the match can still walk away with some points towards their end-of-season total.

“Overall, regardless of if you win or lose you are still gaining something out of it,” Kailey said.

Kailey hopes these new changes to intramural programming will create a safer and more inclusive environment for all students who wish to participate.


A&R, ARC, captains, Intramurals

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