Queen’s hikes tuition for out-of-province students for a second year in a row

The University is seeking other faculties help to mitigate the budget deficit

Image by: Herbert Wang
The measures were announced at the March Board of Trustees meeting.

Queen’s out-of-province students are expected to see a five per cent hike in their tuition.

At the Board of Trustees meeting on March 8, a five per cent tuition hike for out-of-province students was announced. The hike follows a similar adjustment which was implemented for the 2023-24 year.

In 2019, Ontario implemented a tuition freeze for all domestic students while permitting a three per cent increase in tuition fees for out-of-province students. Queen’s University didn’t enact this change originally, according to a statement from the University.

Despite the hike, Queen’s said interest from out-of-province students remains the same, with 16 per cent of the student population coming to Ontario from other provinces. Seventy-four per cent, of first-year students attended high school within Ontario.

Decisions regarding tuition adjustments for out-of-province students for the 2024-25 academic year will be finalized in time for the May budget report to the Board of Trustees.

Re-allocating undergraduate seats to higher tuition brackets

Smith Engineering is growing, and Arts and Science is shrinking in light of the University’s budget deficit.

During the latest Board of Trustees meeting, Provost Matthew Evans announced 91 enrolment seats from the Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS) are being reallocated to faculties in higher tuition brackets. Smith Engineering and the Faculty of Health Sciences are expected to take on more students to mitigate financial pressures.

The new plan has to be approved by the Senate Committee on Academic Development and Procedures so it can be presented at the Senate meeting on April 18.

The University has announced plans to implement an escalating deficit mitigation fund charge across all faculties in support of the FAS. The “tax” will start at 1.75 per cent in the 2025-26 academic year, increasing to two per cent for the following year, 2026-27.

The University said creative solutions are needed across departments to address the substantial financial deficit within the FAS.


Board of Trustees, tuition

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