On Jan. 8, an all-candidates meeting was held in preparation for this month’s University Rector elections. The meeting, which provided information to potential candidates about the election process, saw three students announce their intent to run.
The candidates for the 2018 Rector elections are Jake Roseman, ArtSci ’19, Afsheen Chowdhury, ConEd ’19, and Alexandra da Silva, ConEd ’19. While Roseman and da Silva confirmed their candidacy with The Journal, Chowdhury says she needs to confirm her other extracurriculars before she can commit fully to the campaign.
The nomination period, where potential candidates will need to collect 440 student signatures, will run from Jan. 11 to 15. Upon obtaining these signatures, candidates will be ratified at AMS Assembly on Jan. 18.
Among all Canadian universities the position of Rector is unique to Queen’s. The student elected into this position serves a three-year term, during which they act as the representative for all University undergraduate and graduate students to the administration in matters pertaining to education.
The campaign period will be from Jan. 22 to 28, with an all-candidates debate held on Jan. 24. Voting will occur on Jan. 29 and 30 and the winning candidate will be announced on Jan. 30. The winner will succeed current Rector Cam Yung following his two years in the position.
All-Candidates Meeting, Elections, Rector
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