Art resistance is coming to Queen’s.
The Queen’s department of art history and cultural studies program, in collaboration with the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, the department of film and media studies and the graduate program in cultural studies, will screen the film Portrait of Resistance. It’s a documentary about artists Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge, following their involvement in recent political movements, like protests at the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto.
Condé and Beveridge will be on campus for a three-day event to speak about art activism.
Clive Robertson is a Queen’s professor of art history and cultural studies, who is co-ordinating the event.
“The theme of the film is to do with the current financial situation globally, which is not new,” he said.
Condé and Beveridge have been working together for more than 30 years. Their work is called political art because it reflects stories about people affected by political moments.
“Even though there are other artist couples, there aren’t that many who have worked that long and produced as much as they have,” Robertson said.
Condé and Beveridge have become active in several labour arts initiatives, like the Mayworks Festival in Toronto, which is an event for working people and the arts.
Robertson said the duo is unique because their art is accessible.
“When everyone talks about art, they talk about elitism. [Condé and Beveridge] will show in galleries and museums, but also in workplaces,” he said.
Robertson added that there is a distinct difference between political art and the critical art of Condé and Beveridge.
“Political art goes out to create change while critical art can create change, but doesn’t have the same intention,” he said.
Portrait of Resistance will be shown at 7 p.m. on Nov. 22 in Ellis Auditorium.
Art Forum, Carole Conde, Karl Beveridge, Portrait of Resistance
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