Student-proof recipes

Unhand that Kraft Dinner! It takes too long … Put on your apron and try these quick and simple recipes instead!

Cheddar Sweet Potato Quesadilla

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Cheddar Cheese

Black Beans

Sweet Potato 

Do this:

Chop sweet potato into pieces, boil them, mash them.

Put sweet potato, black beans and cheese on tortilla

Put another tortilla on top

Fry until cheese is melty


Quiche – fancy that chéri!

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Pie Crust

Quiche filling of your desires – ham, cheddar, leeks, salmon, tomatoes – go nuts!



Do this:

Put stuff in pie crust

Mix 4 eggs and 2 cups of cream

Pour on top

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes


Lazy French Pasta 

Buy this:


Sour cream

Bacon bits or onions

Swiss Cheese

Do this:

Boil pasta

Drain water

Put lots of sour cream, cheese and bacon/ onions in pot with pasta

Heat and stir until it looks delicious


Paella Deliciousness

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Garlic Sausage/Chickpeas

Chicken/vegetable broth

Vegetables of your dreams (zucchini, beans, yams, tomatoes, potatoes!)


Do this:

Chop vegetables

Put everything in a big deep pan Make sure there is a lot of liquid

Simmer until meat and rice are cooked through, and a lot of liquid has evaporated. (aka looks delicious)


My Mum’s “Pâté Chinois”

Buy this:

Ground Beef or Lentils

Can of creamed Corn



Do This:

Boil potatoes, then mash them with milk

Cook beef in pan

Put a layer of beef/lentil, then a layer of corn, then mashed potatoes in casserole dish

Bake at 350 degrees until the top is golden (like 20 minutes or less)


Too many eggs? Make a frittata!

Buy this:

12 Eggs

cup of Milk

Cheese like parmesan or cheddar or feta

Veggies and meat you find in your fridge

Do this:

Mix eggs and milk

Add other stuff

Put in oven safe dish

Bake for 20 minutes at 375 degrees


Gourmet Grilled Cheese à la Principal Woolf  

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Sliced Bread

Orange marmalade

Goat cheese or mozzarella, depends how wild you feel

Tomato Oh, and butter

Do this:

Butter bread

Make a sandwich

Fry it in a pan until cheese is gooey


— Julia Segal

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