Suspicious persons reported around campus

A female student was followed home from Stauffer Library Tuesday morning.
Image by: Kendra Pierroz
A female student was followed home from Stauffer Library Tuesday morning.

Campus Security and Emergency Services issued an alert on Wednesday following four suspicious person reports received on and near main campus in a 24-hour period.

The first incident reported a student being followed home from campus by an unknown man early on Tuesday morning. After the student entered her house, the man continued onto the porch and attempted to open the locked front door.

In a post in the popular Facebook group “Overheard at Queen’s”, the victim elaborated on the event, stating that she had been walking down Alfred St. after returning from Stauffer Library around 1:30 a.m.

Campus Security stated that there were three subsequent reports of males who appeared out of place and had similar descriptions. Campus Security says they can’t conclusively determine if the reports are describing the same person.

In their alert, Campus Security stated that the males in each call were generally described as being Caucasian, in their late 30s or early 40s, approximately 5’8” tall and wearing a dark colour jacket, blue jeans and a ball cap.

Campus Security and Emergency Services ask that anyone who may have experienced a similar incident off-campus contact the Kingston Police at 613-549-4660 to make a report.

ALERT : Reports of Suspicious Persons on & near Campus. #queensu

— Campus Security (@CampusSecurity) March 16, 2016


Campus security, crime, News in Brief, Overheard at Queen’s, Stauffer

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