I’ll miss everything except adding hyperlinks to articles, but I need to be more specific. I’m amazed at how much I care about this newspaper. I have more love for the people I’ve met and worked with—and for Queen’s sports—than I ever thought possible. I’ll be back, but maybe without the press pass. Go Gaels go!
—Sarah Maat, Volume 150 Senior Sports Editor
I’m going to miss the Thursday rendezvous with a team so incredibly supportive and wonderful! I will also miss the lovely arts scene in Kingston—it has truly taught me so much.
—Rida Chaudhry, Volume 150 Senior Arts Editor
Working at The Journal was sometimes stressful, but I always felt a feeling of accomplishment and belonging to something bigger. Every week was a new adventure—making videos truly reinforced my love for content creation. I will miss making videos but I will miss the people more.
—Juan Huerta, Volume 150 Assistant Video Editor
It’s so hard to sum everything up in a few sentences, but what I’ll miss the most is working with such positive, friendly, and supportive people. Everybody always has a smile on their face and is so passionate about what they do. I’ve loved my job but I think I’ll definitely miss the people the most.
—Sandrine Jacquot, Volume 150 Opinions Editor
I’ll miss the warm welcome I always get when entering the house on press days. I was able to work with a genuinely friendly group of people and this volume’s press days were always full of laughter and great conversations.
—Mackenzie Loveys, Volume 150 Senior Video Editor
That’s easy! I’ll miss the friendships and the chaos.
—Maia McCann, Volume 150 Editorials Editor
Working at The Journal has been incredibly rewarding. I thoroughly enjoyed our discussions at ed board and will miss hearing everyone’s hot takes on different issues. Finally, I am very grateful for my experience at The Journal as it gave me the opportunity to further explore my creative side through my graphics!
—Amna Rafiq, Volume 150 Graphics Editor
The Journal has provided me with numerous opportunities that I am grateful for, and has allowed me to attend so many exciting events and meet a lot of incredible people throughout the year. I will miss the weekly editorial board meetings, staying up late to finish articles, and most of all, the amazing people I have had the privilege of working with.
—Lilly Coote, Volume 150 Assistant Sports Editor
I’ll truly miss the routine of being a part of the Journal team, and just the swing of things in general. I really enjoyed the consistency of ed board every Tuesday evening and spending time surrounded by such creative people who had so much to say.
—Katharine Sung, Volume 150 Editorials Illustrator
I’m going to miss being surrounded by the myriad outlooks. Being a part of The Journal has really reminded me of the value of hearing so many different opinions!
—Alexis Ejeckham, Volume 150 BIPOC Advisory Board member
Overall, I think I’ll miss the community that is fostered at The Journal. Everyone is so friendly and supportive. If you need help with anything, all you have to do is ask!
—Claire Schaffeler, Volume 150 Social Media Coordinator
My favourite part of working at QJ was making money. It’s truly one of the best places to do that on campus.
—Chad Huang, Volume 150 Business Manager
: talking heads, Queen's Journal, staff picks, Volume 150, year in review
All final editorial decisions are made by the Editor(s)-in-Chief and/or the Managing Editor. Authors should not be contacted, targeted, or harassed under any circumstances. If you have any grievances with this article, please direct your comments to journal_editors@ams.queensu.ca.