University sends email asking for feedback on sexual violence policy

Email follows two public consultation meetings 

Following two public consultation meetings about the University’s suspended sexual violence disclosure reporting requirements, the Office of the Provost sent out a community-wide email asking for more feedback.

Launched on Nov. 1, the email asked for feedback about a requirement implemented under section 8.8 of the recently updated sexual violence policy that mandated Queen’s employees who are not healthcare professionals to provide the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Coordinator (SVPRC) with a student’s name and contact information following a sexual violence disclosure.

The reporting requirements were suspended after widespread feedback from staff, students, and Senate members claiming the stipulations put students at risk.

“While the revisions were intended to ensure that those who experience sexual violence receive coordinated and comprehensive support, community concern has led Principal Patrick Deane to suspend these aspects of the policy pending further consultation,” the email stated.

Students and staff can submit confidential feedback about the sexual violence policy online until Nov. 22.

“Responses are completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to you,” the email stated.

A final decision about the suspended requirements will be announced by the end of the winter term.


consultation, disclosure, sexual violence policy

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