Danielle Edward, CompSci ’21, aims to rebuild COMPSA from the ground up as the vice-president of operations for the 2019-20 academic year.
Through the position, the second-year software development specialization student told The Journal she wants to be closer to the Association’s daily responsibilities, ensuring they run smoothly.
She added her previous experiences with budgeting and planning would compliment the new role and work with the rest of the executive team.
“I want to get straight to the core of COMPSA and revitalize the association, not only for the next year, but for all following years afterwards, which this position allows me to do.”
She said her time as COMPSA event coordinator required communicating with the whole organization, which familiarized her with a range of relevant areas such as marketing and budgeting.
Outside of COMPSA, Edward is a part of Robogals, a club that promotes STEM research to female students in elementary and secondary schools.
“We do demonstrations and basic coding ideas with them,” Edward said. “So they have fun while learning as well.”
However, she feels some students are currently weary of COMPSA. “I want to regain the trust of the students and allow COMPSA to grow into a full support system for Computing students,” Edward said.
To regain the trust of students, Edward wants to streamline the accessibility of resources available to Computing students.
“I plan on having readily available resources such as all financial aid options from Queen’s, Kingston, and those offered across Canada, as well as mental health, sexual health, academic, and any personal project resources,” she said.
Along with this, Edward intends to create an anonymous direct messaging system where students can send in comments or concerns that they may not be comfortable submitting to the Executive directly.
“This can range from requesting a special accommodation to be able to enjoy an event, to feedback [or] comments on COMPSA and our actions, to even what students think we should tackle next,” she said. “This is to give all students a voice, each one just as important and valid as the other.”
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