My name is Justin Tang and I am a photographer. This year, I am serving as the Assistant Photo Editor at the Queen’s Journal, following two years as a staff photographer.
I’ve worn many hats in the seven or so years I’ve called myself a photographer. I’ve done sports, events, portraits, and even one wedding. Newspaper photography, although it can comprise any of these elements, is an entirely different animal. Why? Two words: real estate. There just isn’t enough of it to be able to print every relevant photo – or any irrelevant photo.
As a result, newspaper photography strips a story down to the key image or the key moment, and those alone. Don’t get me wrong: these are important images. They are necessary for us to tell the story accurately within the context of the paper. But they’re not the whole, complete story. And that is what I want to show with this blog.
This blog is entitled “The Rejects” to showcase the photographs that don’t tell the story. The photos that aren’t prototypical. The photos that break the rules and therefore don’t make the paper.
I hope to also use this blog as a launching pad for different projects. Documentary-style projects. Mixing stills with audio, and maybe – just maybe – video. I want to look at some of the selects, the ones that made the cut, and dissect them. And I want to frame all of this through my philosophy of photography and my journey with the Journal.
I’m excited.
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